All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation Historical Heritage of the Great Era: To the 300-Th Anniversary of the Russian Empire. June 4, 2021
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political history
imperial project
problems of war and peace
empire style

How to Cite

Markelov, K., Karabushenko, P., & Usmanov, R. (2021). All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation Historical Heritage of the Great Era: To the 300-Th Anniversary of the Russian Empire. June 4, 2021. Issues in Elitology, 2(2), 141-154.


The scientific conference, held on July 4, 2021, was devoted to the history of the Russian Empire and the theory of the development of the imperial concept. It considered the most pressing issues of world leadership, the history of imperial domination, the influence of the imperial factor on the development of culture, religion and science. This article provides preliminary introductory material, the publication of the full version of which is planned in the next issue of the journal.
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