Ethno-national Victimization of Ukrainian Society in the Discourse of the Scientific Elite of Ukraine: Trends and Content
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hybrid war
ethno-national victimization of the population of Ukraine
Ukrainian society
scientific elite

How to Cite

Makovskaya, D., & Garas, L. (2020). Ethno-national Victimization of Ukrainian Society in the Discourse of the Scientific Elite of Ukraine: Trends and Content. Issues in Elitology, 1(4), 104-121.


The authors substantiate the thesis about the presence in the scientific discourse of Ukrainian researchers of ethno-national victimization of the population of Ukraine, which is based on the idea of imposing destructive scientific ideas by Russia to consolidate the Ukrainian society. The transformation and expansion of the main victimizing narratives present in the Ukrainian information field is revealed. It has been established that the main pattern of victimizing rhetoric of a part of the Ukrainian scientific community is the struggle of Ukraine against the “hybrid war” unleashed against it by the “Russian regime”, which is declared a key factor in the consolidation of Ukrainian society. In addition, the scientific discourse contains the idea of Ukrainianness in its ethnic refraction as the only way to preserve Ukrainian statehood in the face of an external threat, which contradicts the proclaimed thesis of the formation of a political rather than an ethnic nation. At the same time, the use of victimizing constructs for the formation of the concept of a mono-ethnic state is traced, and the multi-ethnic nature of Ukraine is considered as a product of Russian propaganda, introduced for the disintegration of the Ukrainian state.
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