Elites in the Modern Social Space
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quality of elites
elite business models
international organizations
value creation
value extraction
development trends

How to Cite

Golovin, V., & Golovina, E. (2023). Elites in the Modern Social Space. Issues in Elitology, 4(3), 13-45. https://doi.org/10.46539/elit.v4i3.157


The purpose of this article is to study the basic foundations of the scientific and methodological apparatus for assessing the quality of elites, proposed by the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), and its use for comparative measurements of the qualitative state of the national elites of the European and Eurasian Economic Unions based on the ranking of their member states.
The main steps to achieve the goal are the processes of studying: elites in modern social research, structural assessment of the state of elites, the "barometer" as a matrix of value creation, comparative characteristics of elite quality.
The results of the theoretical analysis confirmed the research interest in this problem, which can be considered both from formal conceptual (political) positions and in the conditions of the actual formation of a multipolar world order (geo-economic situation). The contours of these dimensions differ in historical processes, the typology of states and modern elites, which are heterogeneous and diverse, which allows certain evaluation conventions.
According to the priority principles of the formation of the elite quality index and the political and economic assessment of the impact of elite quality on social development, a wide combination of different indicators is used, "updating" of which is carried out on the basis of expert assessments of participants. Comparative analysis allows us to conclude about the subjectivity and politicization of some of the most important indicators. Therefore, the proposed methodology needs to improve the tools and use additional evaluation components, represented, for example, by global ratings on the level of prosperity, GDP per capita, etc.

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