Political Elites and Identity Politics of Urban Agglomerations
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Identity politics
agglomeration identity
political elites
administrative elites
urban agglomerations
metropolitan area
metropolitain identity
metropolitan area governance models

How to Cite

Grishin, N. (2023). Political Elites and Identity Politics of Urban Agglomerations. Issues in Elitology, 4(2), 61-74. https://doi.org/10.46539/elit.v4i2.150


The paper is aimed at clarifying scientific ideas about the role of political and administrative elites in the policy of shaping the identity of urban agglomerations. Studying identity politics in urban agglomerations is in its early stages in the current science. The article reveals the influence of urban agglomeration governance models on the emergence of institutional prerequisites for the formation of agglomeration identity. The problems of political representation in the conditions of the development of agglomerations are characterized. It has been established that the two-level model of agglomeration governance creates the prerequisites for contradictions between the interests of the core and the periphery of agglomerations. Fundamental differences between the core and the periphery in terms of resource ownership make it difficult to ensure a balanced representation of political interests in the agglomeration governance system. Particular attention is paid to the cases of the Barcelona and Rotterdam (Rheinmond) agglomerations. The absence in Russia of a two-level model for managing agglomerations prevents the formation of administrative and political elites localized at the level of agglomerations. The absence of separate governing bodies for agglomerations can be characterized as a limiting factor both for the development of agglomerations and for the formation of the identity of agglomerations.

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