Historical Memory of Youth: How Images of the Past Work in the Conditions of Confrontation Between Political Elites
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Historical memory;
image of the past;
special operation;
Great Patriotic War;
image of the state;
social media analytics;
information space.

How to Cite

Yarmak, O., Bolshakova, M., Savina, Z., & Maranchak, A. (2022). Historical Memory of Youth: How Images of the Past Work in the Conditions of Confrontation Between Political Elites. Issues in Elitology, 3(2), 64-73. https://doi.org/10.46539/elit.v3i2.105


The article considers historical memory as the basis of collective identity, which is constructed through «images of the past» associated with historically significant events. The role of «images of the past» in the consolidation of society is evaluated. The authors consider models of historical memory characteristic of various social groups, namely: Soviet, post-Soviet, «elite» and «Russophile». It is noted that one of the most significant events in history, capable of consolidating Russians, is the Great Patriotic War and Victory in it. Using the example of this event, the process of constructing and mobilizing historical memory in modern conditions of the political process, which has the latest mechanisms of symbolic struggle for the meanings and meanings of our history, is examined. The social media analysis carried out by uploading and analyzing social media messages is presented. The article also examines the current stage of the formation of historical memory, which manifested itself through the perception of a special military operation in Ukraine. The analysis of the reactions of young people to the special operation is given, confirming the hypothesis that the attitude towards it is formed by the existing attitudes in the youth consciousness

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